Mary Jane and William J.B.Spencer’s children, Edith Anna (6-11-1898), John Edward (8-15-1904) and Audrey Mae (3-19-1912)

William J.B. and Mary Jane (née Vaughn) Spencer’s Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary, Mary Jane’s sister, Rachel E. (née Vaughn) Smith and William J.B.’s brother, Alfred Ernest (“Ern”) Spencer

Mary Jane (née Vaughn) Spencer in Living Room of Coventry, R.I. home; Mary Jane was born January 14, 1877 and died February 11, 1955.

Mary Jane (née Vaughn) Spencer. “Grandma always wore a scarf around her neck because she said her neck was always cold”, Audrey Mae’s comment when seeing her mother’s picture.

William J.B. Spencer, June 11, 1966, East Greenwich First Baptist Church House, Granddaughter’s wedding reception

April 22, 1968 Pawtuxet Valley Daily Times–West Warwick-Coventry-Warwick-East Greenwich-Exeter-West Greenwich-Scituate-Foster–, Rhode Island
William J.B. and Mary Jane (nee Vaughn) Spencer, the last Spencers on the farm, sold the farm and moved to an upscale neighborhood on the trolley line in Coventry, Rhode Island. Their younger daughter, Audrey Mae, born 1912, was the last Spencer baby born on the Spencer homestead, as the descendents referred to the farm, even as late as 2006. William and Mary Jane’s (aka Mae) older daughter, Edith Anna, in the 1920s moved to California with her husband and was the first Spencer since the 1600s to raise her children outside of Rhode Island. To the family’s great and lasting sorrow, they left their first son as an infant and their first daughter as a two-year-old in the Spencer Family Cemetery before leaving for California with their second daughter, Gloria. Audrey’s and Edith’s brother, John Edward, was the last male Spencer in this line to carry forth this Spencer surname, but the Spencer name lives on today with male descendents, from California to Rhode Island, carrying on the name Spencer as a first or middle name.